Our history and motto:
We decided to open up our own little Robsten Blog back in 2010. We loved Rob and Kristen so much that twitter didn't seem like a good enough space where we could fan girl. We wanted something that we could call our own little home. The date was March 14, 2010 when we went live. The support from all of our followers has been amazing. Yes, we have encountered rough spots along the road but, we're still staying strong. Our motto is 'we love them together and separately and truly believe in their love.' We still believe in them and we'll still be here through thick and thin.

Alma Follow @alma_rkdreams
Robsten Dreams Founder and Owner/Administrator from Texas. Love and support Rob and Kristen's career and relationship 110%. I admire the way they handle themselves professionally and privately. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Ingi Follow @IngiTeamRobsten
RobstenDreams Administrator. Love Rob and Kristen together and separately and will support them no matter what. Also, love everything Twilight, food and internet :D
Check out my Fic Shelf Blog where I review and recommend amazing fics :)

Ruby, Twi mom of two! Administrator to Robsten Dreams. A little obsessed with FanFic and all things books! Plus a Team Jack Minion as well! TwiFan, Robsessed, Robsten Fan Since March 2009! Loves Rob, Kristen and all project RK related.
Karen Follow @Karenxan
Graphic Illustrator for Rosbten Dreams. Love Rob, Kristen, and Twilight. Check out my art work at DeviantArt page.
Casey Follow @TwiRK_World
TwiMom and married to my Edward, Love everything Twilight! Love Rob & Kristen and supporting them in in everything they do.

Ankita Follow @mesweetgirl
23 year old girl from India... Love all things Robsten together or separately. Love books and food :)