Some Twilight Behind the scenes Screencaps!

I want to kiss who ever made this! Me likes ALOT!!

Videos via Spunk_Ransom and wavechaser2
Screen caps via RKtimeline :) Thanks Hun:) So great!!

  • Seriously Kill me now #3, 4!! They are taking a break right? Tell me I'm right and they are snuggling while everyone else is on break? Yes or do i have it totally wrong?

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5 Responses to Some Twilight Behind the scenes Screencaps!

  1. No you have it right. They are snuggling during the break and that is not the first instance of that while filming Twilight or after. And, I have always thought they started in 2008. Maybe they didn't make it official until early 2009, but they have always been into each other from the beginning. Sorry the eyes (intense stares), subtle touches, and tons of videos and pics don't lie. You have to love our touchy feely and trying to be sneaky Robsten (lol).

  2. I think you are right. I think they both fell in love with each other at first sight only Kristen had Micahel whom she had been with since she was 13 or 14. He was her best friend although it did turn into boyfriend/girlfriend later but she was comfortable with him and then she got totally swept off her feet by Rob.

  3. I never thought much of them being together in Twilight because she brought her long time boyfriend Michael where ever the she went with Twilight cast. But I agree with Jane, Rob did indubitably sweep Kristen off her feet. ; D

    Ahh, we all love Robsten so dearly don't we.

  4. Didn't she had a b/f at the time?

  5. Maybe I should clarify why I think they could have started in 2008. If you take a look at Twilight Tuesday MTV Special 2008, Comic Con 08 which they were extra flirty and where they were sporting matching hickeys, Twilight Behind the Scenes stuff, Unscripted 08, and pretty much any of their promo from 2008, they were definitely extremely close. Also the behind the scenes video of the Vanity Fair Photoshoot, they were way too intimate with each other. At one point Rob kissed Kristen on her chest and Kristen was all over him almost the entire time and this was not direction given to them by the photographer. They were just being themselves. I don't know when their relationship officially started. I am just saying that I noticed alot of things that showed that they could be more than just friends way back in 2008.


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