Yes, Yes we all know it is bad for our health, and causes all sorts of diseases. I should know because I used to be a smoker myself. It is gross and disgusting, but when I look at the pictures of Rob smoking its like stepping into another era. He makes it look sexy, hot and damn it good!! I mean some of the James Dean looking pictures are why smoking was so popular. If everyone looked as good as Rob did when he smokes, we would all be hooked up to oxygen machines for sure! Is that so bad that I would love to have some of that second hand smoke from Rob? I can help light that for him. In fact I will mail him a carton of his favorite smokes any day if he keeps those relentless pictures coming that leave you wanting more! I know I do! When Rob smokes it is smokin hotttt! Tsssss (sizzle sound) for sure!! Please no posts on how smoking is bad, I am totally aware. Thanks! :) Please just enjoy the pics I posted and pretend like I am that we are helping Rob find a light..... Haha!! Ta Ta For Now!!