Flaunt Magazine preview of Kristen Stewart feature is online!

HollywoodNews.com: Though pictures of Kristen Stewart’s spread in Flaunt Magazine, and even some details of the interview have been leaked over the past couple of weeks, the Flaunt Magazine web site has officially released a preview of the Kristen Stewart feature. The first section of a multi-page spread, including a dramatic photo shoot in black and whites and an interview, can now be viewed by visiting the issue preview page at Flaunt.com.

Don’t expect bubble gum. This isn’t your typical Kstew interview, probably because Flaunt isn’t your typical magazine. Neither the conversation nor the writer’s interpretation of Stewart is designed to appeal to the masses. The sub-headline of the article says it all: “The actress stars in a shocking new rock biopic, carving out a niche of respect after years of teenybopper.”

The writer begins by describing the scene as she approaches their rendez vous point—an observation of Kristen, the girl. It holds the promise of giving insight on what it’s like to be Kristen Stewart and what it means to have interests other than those typically assigned to Stewart. In a word, it holds the promise of changing the conversation, taking it to a place that progresses beyond “Twilight” fame.

Fan reaction to the article has been positive (the stunning visuals of Stewart were understandably well-received); and there is a sentiment of respecting Stewart for her courage of non-conformity to the mainstream. It is rare to find something truly new written about Kstew these days, and the Flaunt article promises to be a breath of fresh air.


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