More Theaters Open “Eclipse” Ticket Sales

Ini­tially reported nearly two weeks ago that tick­ets for “The Twi­light Saga: Eclipse” were begin­ning to go on sale. At the time, had listed three the­aters across the nation offer­ing online sales for the 12AM show. As of today, alone has increased the orig­i­nal num­ber by twenty, and many local the­aters have opened sales for the 12AM show­ing offline.

The best advice for get­ting tick­ets as early as pos­si­ble is to head to your local the­ater in per­son. Many the­aters have their own prac­tices for sell­ing tick­ets for shows with sen­sa­tional open­ings, (e.g., the “Twi­lights” and “Harry Pot­ters” of the world). My own local the­ater, arranges fan-focused events—last Novem­ber they had a 10:00PM show­ing of “Twi­light” and folks in that the­ater took an inter­mis­sion before return­ing to their seats for “New Moon”. They also sold tick­ets for a large-screen show­ing in the IMAX the­ater. In the cases of both “spe­cial” events, tick­ets were only avail­able for in-person pur­chase at the box office.

If you pre­fer to buy online, check both large sites like and Fan­dango, and check the online web site of your local the­ater. Cur­rently on, “Eclipse” tick­ets are on sale in the­aters in the fol­low­ing towns across the U.S.: Cal­i­for­nia (Mon­rovia, Corona, and Vista), Nebraska (Fre­mont, Nebraska City), Iowa (Sioux City, Orange City, Shenan­doah), Ken­tucky (Glas­gow), Ten­nessee (Kingsport), Vir­ginia (Fredricks­burg, Wytheville), West Vir­ginia (South Charleston, Beck­ley, Sum­mersville, Tri­adel­phia), North Car­olina (Mor­gan­ton, Statesville, Raleigh), South Car­olina (Charleston), New York (Brook­lyn, New Hart­ford), New Jer­sey (Toms River)

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