There’s always been speculation oer your relationship with Kristen. What’s going on with you two?
Kristen and I have lived a great adventure together with the Twilight films. We are very close and no-one can understand what we’ve been through the last few years. When we’re together, we understand eachother so well we don’t have to explain what we’re thinking. Kristen is a wonderful girl.
You’re in the middle of all the hype around the Twilight films- How are you dealing with it?
It’s not difficult to be in my position! you’re very well looked after and you don’t have to exort much effort to do anything. An actor in my position is very spoiled and so I have nothing to complain about! this is a pretty good life actually!
Do women constantly throw themselves at you?
No! (carly; Rob, I do NOT believe you, you little fibber!) But I’m not trying to attract attention, either. I also don’t want to disappoint girls who might think I’m very cool and smooth, which I’m not (carly; Rob do you not realise that you saying that actually does make you smooth and very cool? I’m just sayin’!) I’m still quite shy although that seems something of an attraction, too {laughs}
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