During the Welcome to the Rileys post-screening Q&A session at New Orleans Film Festival, director Jake Scott was asked about the recent comments made to E!’s The Awful Truth about what it was like to direct Kristen (see post here). Here’s a brief summary by rosenfie on what he said:
got the answer
total misquote. He knew what I was asking before I finished. Lol. We will put up his audio q/a over the wknd. But he really said that mel, james, & kstew have such different styles that trying to direct them as a group could be like like herding cats.
thanks rosenfie | kstewangel | via
thanks rosenfie | kstewangel | via
“Someone asked about Kristen and James, off screen chemistry and he described them as Mowgli and Baloo (from the Jungle Book). He described James as this big bear, lovable, and Kristen as a tiny waif. He described a scene in the movie where kristen looks at him out of the corner of her eye (you’ll have to see it understand) as the perfect way to describe their relationship.”