New Photos of Robert Pattinson at the Austin Film Festival / Fan Recap

Fan Encounter after the jump!

It was two years ago today that I convinced my husband to drive me 9 hours to Austin, Texas for the Austin Film Festival to see Robert Pattinson. In person. He was going to the screening of How to Be for a Q&A session after the film.

When we arrived at the theater, the line was all the way around the building. Girls in "Cullen" shirts were toward the front with pillows in hand. Had they slept there? Wow. I immediately started panicking that I wouldn't get in for the screening. We waited in line for over 2 hours, with AFF officials coming outside to let us know that most of us would not get in for the screening. My hopes were low. While in line, I got to meet and take a picture with the director of the film, Oliver Irving, which was really cool.

Eventually, the line starts moving, and I'm 2 people away from getting in the theater. They stop the line right on--you guessed it--me and my husband. I was SO mad. The workers went inside to check if there was any available seating, and there was! We got seats on the last row in the back.

So, we're apparently waiting for Rob to show up, but he's late. They tell us they'll be starting the movie and we'll see him after the showing. The movie starts up and they had to restart it like 5 times because the sound/picture kept messing up. They finally got it right, and we're all happily watching adorkable Rob/Art onscreen, when I hear the back door open....I look, and THERE HE IS! Sex hair in all it's glory. Supercool leather jacket. OMG. He walks in all wonky-legged, hand in his hair, and sits in a chair in the corner in the back behind us with the director and a couple other people. I, of course, have NO interest in the movie at this point. I mean, Robert Pattinson is sitting 10 FEET behind me!! Like you would be able to focus. Finally, I get up to use the bathroom, praying to God that I don't trip in front of him. I noticed later on that almost every girl in the theater had to "use the bathroom" after they realized Rob was sitting in the back.

I keep sneaking peeks at him throughout the movie. Each time I looked, he was either talking to his friends, texting on his phone, or watching the movie! Then, I notice my husband has fallen asleep. I keep elbowing him to wake him up because I'm so embarrassed. The star and director of the movie are sitting behind us, and he's asleep. But then I remembered he drove me 9 hours to get there and so I left him alone. Rob would understand.

So after the movie, Rob does the Q&A. I'm sure you have seen videos of it online. After that, we get a huge surprise---Rob has agreed to sign autographs for us outside, which we totally were not expecting! We rushed out the back to get in the line that was already VERY long. (And I didn't know that in the front of that line was Kat, who I had not met yet. I wish I had known her then!) By the time they got to us, they would NOT let us take pictures with Rob. The AFF workers were very insistent about that. So, I get up close to where he is and I am just blown away with how gorgeous he is in person! I keep thinking of a cool question or comment I can say to him, but everything I run through my head sounds totally lame. When it's my turn, I say "Hi." and he smiles at me and says "Hi." I hand him my book to sign and tell him my name (Laura), and he repeats it. My name has never sounded better. He signs my autograph, hands me the book, and smiles again. I say thank you and go. I ask my husband if he got a picture or video while I was with Rob, and HE. FORGOT. TO. TAKE. A. PICTURE. I mean, he had the camera in his hand. He could have taken VIDEO. I mean, hell, ANYTHING. But no. Nothing. I only have my autograph and a picture of me from the back with Rob that I found on someone's myspace. Believe me, my husband will never live this down. So even now, any time he complains about something I do, I go, "Yeah, remember the time I met Rob Pattinson and you didn't take a picture?" That shuts him up.

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