Kristen Are Nominated In The 'Virgin Media Movie Awards'

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9 Responses to Kristen Are Nominated In The 'Virgin Media Movie Awards'

  1. i will not leave you love....twilight is a horribly cheap movie with actors that are just as cheap as the storyline. Kristen Stewart has done nothing to achieve the honour of 'Girl of the Year' considering every facial expression has to be a 'biting of the lip'. Pick someone with some class for god's sake...


  2. What I want to know is... What thefuck are you doing on a KRISTEN STEWART BLOG? We happen to think KS is the most amazing actress ever! Her awards show more then tell!!

    Emma Watson Really? An actress that has played the same character for over 10 years? REALLY? LMFAO GO AND SPREAD YOUR HATE SOME WHERE ELSE!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what i want to know is... why are you being so violent and aggressive..... her awards go to the extend of like teen choice best kiss... thats about it.... and the kiss wasnt even that good.... just saying.
    everyone has the right to post what they want... thats why it says... post a comment.... duh.

    and emma watson really? yeah i think really. at least she developed her character in the first 3 films unlike kirsten.... honestly emma and kristen are not even in the same league of comparison... you think you are so cool swearing and acting all tough. too bad bud. im with anonymous at 6:04.

  5. Dear stupid hater Anon at 6:04 and 6:26 I think what the girls on this blog mean when they state "leave us some love" is exactly that! If you are here to post something like you just dis on your first "comment" then you should just get out of here in my opinion. This girls work hard to bring us news on Robert and Kristen, NOT on Emma Watson so bye bye!

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  8. Everyone just stop. Twilight and Harry Potter shouldn't even be in a fight, they are both good in different ways. We all know that we pay to see both Harry Potter and Twilight, and that the actors and actresses know whether they have done a good job or not. I think we should give it up and just say that they are both great movies for very different reasons and leave it at that. What do we say?



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