MORE!! Updated: HQ Cover with Pics and the Entire Article

"Robert Pattinson wrestles his way out of the Twilight Zone"

Interviewer's comments on Rob!
 Thanks epnebelle

LQ scans

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6 Responses to MORE!! Updated: HQ Cover with Pics and the Entire Article

  1. gahhhhhhhhhhh rob again in that piano.. i love him in a piano! The ones in the car gahhhhhhhhhhhh gahhhhhhhhhhhh gahhhhhhhhhhh. ok i must say i am excited. Come and get me Rob

  2. First off, is that a real alligator?!?!

    My, oh my, oh my, but he is soooo hot. I don't care what he's doing or how he's posing there will never be anyone more beautiful than Rob!

  3. OMG more hot pics of Rob. Than again, all pics of him are hot!! He's so yummy! I dream of what he would taste like!

  4. Omg Robert is so beautiful regardless hoe he posed

  5. I am just asking is rob and kristen not together anymore. From the text it seems like they are not together., he is always watching tv, and see saying to the relationship guestion, yes no, not really. And saying kristen is cool. What was that. And saying people wont ask theme this anymore after this twilight thing is over.. I get a little said, rob shoulden be depressed, he has kristen. So maybe they broke up..

  6. @anoy 11:32 i thought that too.


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