Morning Dreamers, i have had an exhausting night working and uploading pics and what not. The WFE London Premier and The Met Gala posts are fully updated as of now. All pics, videos etc will be found there. Right click and save. Im not sure yet on how to make a zip file for all the pics but i will find out and make one so please bear with me:)
So about the New Look. What do you think? You like it? Hate it? Meh? Any questions or concerns? Let me know on the comment section k? Ill be off today so im gonna catch on some sleep and then ill be back to check on you guys:)
Things on the list today~ well we have the UK Water for Elephants Press Conference. and i believe this is it. Unless we get news on SWATH or Cosmopolis. Very excited about those projects. Rob only needs to do one more Premier (Australia~ Which our very own Tania will attend~ Lucky her huh? ) and he'll be done with the Water for Elephants Press Tour. Hope he goes back home to relax for a few weeks. Hope our baby girl joins him too *wink* LOL
So anyways yeah let me know what you think about the new blog look. Not sure how i feel about it yet. If it was really up to me i would go back to my purple and black BUT i promised myself i would stay away from it for a while. LOL ~See im still rambling... SOMEONE SHUT ME UP~ lol
Ofcourse our lovely banner was made by our ever so precious Karen follow her on twitter by clicking her name. Okay im out ill be lurking and please let me know what you think ok? Love you~ Alma