palakspatel This was my view sitting on the panel yesterday in Hall H looking at 6000 fans. Dreams do come true peeps! #SWATH
@Paolastef: @palakspatel In which countries are you going to shoot @snowwhite?” #SWATH
- UK
@Robsten_2011: @palakspatel the photoshoot for EW was held at the Hard Rock Cafe Hotel in San Diego?” #SWATH #snowwhite
- Yes
@ellegreene10: @palakspatel Will filming take place exclusively in London or are you planning filming in other UK locations?”
- All over UK.
@mddeese: @palakspatel Will u keep the fans updated during filming?
- Of course!
More casting updates coming soon for #SWATH All is busy in London as we get closer to production. Hope everyone enjoyed the images!
@nehakris: @palakspatel tnx for the updates, but you didnt reply me, Are all the cast members in London now?”
- No not yet “
@theMwagon: @palakspatel sorry to bug you but whereabouts in the UK are you filming?
- Can't disclose sorry! “
@karenadub: @palakspatel will filming be done for kristen to promote BREAKING DAWN”
- She'll have time to promote that in Nov
@RobstenDaily: @palakspatel will some filming be done in Scotland?
- Not likely