Rob and Kristen on MTV's 'The Best Celeb Couple Style Of 2011' List

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The Twilight casting masterminds struck gold when they chose Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart as their leading man and lady. Little did they know, the two would blossom into one of the celeb world's most enviously chic couples in the history of eyes. Rob, every bit the English gentleman, is notorious for taking to the red carpet in the nattiest suits, sometimes in the most delightfully unexpected hues. While K. Stew's personal style is a little more laid-back, she ditched the checkered Keds and hoodies in favor of this ornately detailed black gown for the U.K. premiere of Breaking Dawn: Part 1. Swaddled in dark hues, the couple manages to emit mysterious and edgy vibes without looking totally goth.

Source: MTV | Via: Spunk-Ransom

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