Win a Chance to Attend a Meet and Greet with Rob and David Cronenberg

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The rules:

  • You can only enter the contest once.
  • The game is open to every adult french resident (inhabitants from Corsica included).
  • It runs from April 25th to May 8th, midnight (Paris time)
  • All you have to do to enter the contest is to go HERE and answer a question correctly so you can be eligible for the draw.
  • The question is: What are the names of the three French actors playing in the movie?
  1. -Juliette Binoche and Matthieu Amalric?
  2. -Sandrine Kiberlain and Vincent Cassel?
  3. -Julie Delpy and Nicolas Duvauchelle?
  • The winner will be named before May 18th. There are 3 partners to this game (Cinéma gaumont, Wat.Tv and Purefans). One will offer a trip to Cannes, with everything payed for (transportation and housing), and a ticket to go to the screening and the party of the movie.
  • The other partners offer a meet and greet with Rob and David in Paris. Only eligible if you CAN go to the meeting
  • All the winners have to accept to be filmed in Cannes or in Paris. The images could be used on tv or on the internet.
  • The answer can be found in the trailer.
  • 50 other names will be drawn and win the soundtrack of the movie.
  • The winners will be contated by email between May 18th and May 19th. they have to answer before May 21st.
Via: melcitron | RPLife

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