Robsten Vid of the Day~'I Don't Wanna Live a Day Without You' from @LiaProdz

There are days you just need to go back and look at the perfection of Cannes and get all your sappy feels.
Video from 25CrazyVampGirlProdz

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3 Responses to Robsten Vid of the Day~'I Don't Wanna Live a Day Without You' from @LiaProdz

  1. Aww... I miss seeing them together ); Robert !! When coming home to Kristen umm.... She must miss you a lot... Bear and beanie too ,, we Robsten miss you too!

  2. Awww that is just lovely, of course, it's Cannes 2012:)

  3. Makes ME happy to see them so happy in this video.


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