Gilles Tschudi, Sils Maria Co Star, Talks About Kristen

TV star Gilles Tschudi shot scenes with Kristen Stewart for the movie “Sils Maria”. The Twilight star was far from being difficult.

In Berlin, “Lüthi und Blanc” star Gilles Tschudi worked together with Hollywood star Kristen Stewart, shooting scenes in English for a US-production. “A really good film,” says Tschudi, “even though I only have a small role. But the work with the international crew was great and absolutely professional.”

In the drama, Tschudi portrays the Zurich mayor Marcel Gutzwill, who presents a prize to the successful actress Maria Enders, played by Juliette Binoche, at the Stadthaus (in the film: Schloss Grunewald in Berlin). The Californian Kristen Stewart plays Binoche’s assistant Valentine.

The actor from Basel is raving about his popular female colleagues. “Juliette Binoche is a wonderful actress. And Kristen Stewart, about whom many people say she would be difficult, was a star without airs and graces,” he said. Even though she had a trailer to herself while the other actors had to share one in pairs. “But apart from that she had no special requests, was always very nice and modest. I think she’s a very normal girl.”

"We were really focused on filming the scenes. And," he adds smiling, "the free time that I had I didn't spend with her."
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