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HQs thanks to kstwartfans | YT thanks to veronicaspuffy
Werner will shoot some 2nd unit before Xmas and then shooting with the actors begins January. Very exciting #qotd
— cassian elwes (@cassianelwes) November 29, 2013
“@QOTDfilm: @NickRaslan is producing @QOTDfilm #QOTD along with @cassianelwes & @MichaelBenaroya”/correct
— cassian elwes (@cassianelwes) November 29, 2013
@QueenDesertFilm pre shoot starts on Dec 18th
— Nick Raslan (@NickRaslan) November 27, 2013
CBM: What do you think of the casting of Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart for American Ultra?Source | Via
Max Landis: SO [frick]ING EXCITING. They're perfect; both of them essentially play "a character and a half" in the movie in an interesting way, and they were actually both my first choices. I think both of them are associated with iconic roles, and that excites me for the same reason Heath Ledger's casting in Dark Knight excited me. Not to compare my movie or my actors to that one, but it's the same sort of "VERY different characters than you're used to seeing these people in" situation.
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