'Equals' producers Michael Pruss & Ann Ruark talk about filming it & mention Kristen
While the stars were not doing any current press interviews, Life! caught up with the film's producers Michael Pruss and Ann Ruark at Infinite Studios.
As it was a closed set, the meeting took place at a cafe located on the premises.
Pruss, 34, says he would have preferred to keep the shoot tightly under wraps as they want to "keep a mystery to the film." He adds: "In my absolute naivety, I attempted first of all to really regulate social media - we were monitoring it very closely."
But when they shot at upscale condominium Reflections at Keppel Bay, people were taking photos from the 65th floor and posting them on Twitter and Instagram.
Pruss says: "After the first few pictures, I was a little bit annoyed and now I'm just (shrugs shoulders), you know what, it's good publicity for us, I guess. With Nicholas and Kristen, we were have big film stars and I understand the curiosity factor and I hope people will love the film."
Equals is slated to be released here towards the end of next year by Shaw.
Filming here has just wrapped and the movie will be going into post-production.
Pruss says: "I think that Kristen may be a little bit better know here than in Japan because there seems to be slightly more fervour for her here."
And the stars have been taking the attention in their stride.
Pruss adds: "They've always got time for everyone, they sign everything, they do every picture. And they feel lucky to be here making this movie." ♥
Ruark, 48, says: "When we first thought of where the movie would be filmed, we quickly came to the conclusion that we wanted it to be a location where we could find architecture and exteriors that felt different from our current experience."
She prefers not to divulge too much about the exact shooting locales and add: "Hopefully, part of the audience's experience in the movie is to try to figure out where the movie was shot."
"It will be interesting for Singaporeans when they'll see the film because it's not what people will necessarily think of, the tourist spots. It's a more future feeling."
Via ItsOkToBeYouOrg