E! News’ Ted Casablanca Bitch-Back (Rob Mentions)

Dear Ted:
I know you love Kristen Stewart, but I implore you and all the others who follow suit to read what Lainey wrote about K.Stew’s interview in Elle U.K. I, who am not a fan of Stew’s work or behavior, respect a person’s preferences. So it impressed me to see how Lainey, who likes Stewart, was dead-on accurate on the stupidity of her “being famous is like being raped” comparison. If she or anyone else she has ever met had ever been sexually assaulted then she should vow to never speak again. There is no comparison! She has lost all touch with vocabulary if she thinks so. And furthermore, commenting on someone’s life when pics of you smoking pot are never brought up in interviews doesn’t make you LiLo, but it doesn’t make you a Brady Bunch kid either. I only hope that the media frenzy dies down after the Twilight flicks so she won’t be interviewed as much, hence stop saying things that are astoundingly dense and hurtful. Maybe if she spoke about Robert Pattinson she wouldn’t sound so moronic.

Dear Love/Hate:
I’m gonna have to say I was a bit disappointed at the comparison myself. But K.Stew has major word diarrhea—don’t think she thought before she spoke. Clearly not her style! Nevertheless, a hideous analogy that needs an apology, pronto.

Dear Ted:
Since you’re my guru for all these Robsten, can you provide me with some clarity? Is it true that only Kristen and Taylor will be doing the majority of the press junket? Is Rob doing any press in Europe? I know he’s filming, but isn’t the whole point of Eclipse that it’s a steamy triangle? Is Summit content that there’s less Rob?

Dear Scheduling Sucks:
R.Pattz will dutifully do his Eclipse promos, but yes, he will be filming a movie on top of that. Summit’s accommodating him. But hey, London has Nikki Reed!

Dear Ted:
I just watched Robert Pattinson’s ad for the MTV Movie Awards and I thought it was hilarious! And I thought it was cute.

Dear Agreed:
Also thought it was the hottest he’s looked in some time. Use that dirt, baby! And Tom Cruise’s best acting to date, fyi.

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