New Rob, Kristen and Taylor interview with Startalk Philippines

Written article from Philippine Star

BEVERLY HILLS — The reminder stayed the same as it was late last year when Conversations sat down for one-on-ones with Robert Pattinson (the vampire), Kristen Stewart (the human) and Taylor Lautner (the werewolf) for the New Moon, the second in the series of the best-selling four-part novels by Stephenie Meyer.

That is: No personal questions, please. Stick to the movie. (Together, Robert and Kristen are known simply as Robsten.)

So two weeks ago when I again did one-on-ones with the three stars (along with a dozen of their co-stars...more on them soon!) for Eclipse, the second to the finale installment (before Breaking Dawn) of what is now more popularly known as the The Twilight Saga also in the same venue, the Four Seasons, I was extra-careful not to ask Pattinson (a.k.a. RPattz), 24, and Stewart (a.k.a. KStew), 20, if their romance is as real as it is in the reel. Taylor, 17, was more “game.” With a winsome, “werewolfish” smile, he allowed a little glimpse into his “personal” life such as how he got the beautiful body that has landed him on the cover of several magazines.

In Eclipse, megged by a new director (David Slade, 30 Days of Night, Hard Candy), Bella Swan (Stewart) once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, Bella is forced to choose between her love for Edward Cullen (Pattinson) and her friendship with Jacob Black (Taylor), knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her high-school graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.

Of course, Twi-fans know from the book how Eclipse ends but they’ll be surprised how it’s done in the movie. I won’t tell you how. Find out for yourselves when Eclipse, again produced by Summit Entertainment and released locally by Pioneer Films, opens nationwide on Wednesday, June 30, coinciding with the swearing-in of Noynoy “P-Noy” Aquino as the 15th President of the Republic of the Philippines.

The Twilight Saga has so far grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide. It stands to rake in much more as it sinks its teeth even deeper into the tills around the world.

After Twilight, New Moon and now Eclipse, does your character feel like second skin to you?

Robert: Sometimes. But I mean, most of the time every movie is something new — with a new crew, new director. And also, I look kind of slightly different in each one. To me, it’s just like doing a new movie every single time.

Kristen: Hmmmm, yeah, it does, But it’s really easy to switch back to another character because I play different parts in movies in-between the Twilight Saga. I never had any experience doing a sequel for such a long period of time, and after doing another character in another movie it’s always very exciting to get back to the Bella Swan character.

Taylor: Hmmmm, yeah, a little bit. After living this character for over two years now, Jacob Black does feel like second skin to me.

(To Kristen) So it’s a relief for you doing other characters in-between playing Bella Swan.

Kristen: I wouldn’t call it a relief. It’s cool, I mean, it’s fun. I’m really lucky to be given a chance to do other characters because I love all of them. (Note: At 11, Kristen played Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room.)

You’ve practically grown up with your character. Isn’t it hard to shake off the character once you get home from a shoot?

Robert: In the first movie, I felt like an outsider finding his way around in a new world. As I started getting older, I found it easier to relate to the character and I think the series reflects that, so in this one Edward becomes more normal, he becomes more human. Isn’t it hard to shake off the character after the shoot? Well, no. It’s such a relief to take the contact lenses out and say, “Whew! It’s done! I’m no longer a vampire!”

Kristen: Hmmmm, yeah. It’s hard to just shake it off sometimes but it does help if once you’re home you watch a movie to get your character out of your mind.

Taylor: Hmmmm, no. I mean, we just really have our Twilight mood when we are on the set, when we are with each other. But just as easily we can get out of our characters.

(To Robert) What about turning off the emotional aspect of the character once you get home?

Robert: It depends. There are some scenes where you find it hard to dissociate yourself emotionally from the character. Sometimes, it’s so hard because when you’re playing a fantasy character there’s just nothing you can relate to as a human and you’re just guessing. And when you’re guessing, it doesn’t feel right so when you go home the feeling stays longer with you. By the way, yes, it can be bothersome performing with all that makeup, not to mention the lenses.

Ten years from now when you look back, what do you think you will remember most about your character?

Robert: I have no idea. I think so many things are going to happen in Breaking Dawn that will change the way I look at Edward Cullen and my opinion about him. Let’s see what will happen.

Kristen: Hmmmm, I don’t know. Maybe that she’s really the best vampire of them all. She’s the youngest character in the story and she’s on top of that world that she’s not even close to.

Taylor: Ahhhhh, I don’t know exactly, but probably his being a werewolf. There are many things to remember, most especially the overall experience and how much fun I had with the cast and how closer friends we have become. There will be a lot to remember.

What traits of your character do you identify with?

Robert: Very few, if any. In Eclipse, Edward has a different mindset. He’s jealous and petty to other people. With Bella, he’s possessive. He has 17-year-old-guy emotions, like being jealous of other guys who fancy his girlfriend, and I’m not like that at all.

Kristen: I really appreciate that she remains herself and is young and, you know, is kind of full of life. She’s young but she’s able to deal with all her problems.

Taylor: Hmmmm, probably his being persistent. You see, he’s a very persistent fellow who doesn’t easily give up. I think I have a little bit of that. I grew up being positive that nothing can’t be achieved with hard work. I think that’s the case with Jacob as well.

(To Taylor) It’s possible that you might be typecast as your Twilight character forever. How do you feel about it?

Taylor: Hmmmm...I feel that it’s fine. Jacob Black is a great character so I’m very lucky to have the opportunity to play him.

(To Taylor) After the fourth installment, Breaking Dawn (which, according to reports, might be broken down into two movies), what kind of character do you want to play? Do you have a so-called dream role?

Taylor: I think your dream role is what you’re filming at the moment. That’s what I’m passionate about. So right now, it’s my role in a film called Abduction. So that’s my dream role at the moment. And then I’ll do Breaking Dawn and after that, a movie called Stretch Armstrong.

(To Taylor) You worked out a lot for the Jacob Black character and you now have a body-to-die-for. How do you maintain it?

Taylor: Yes, definitely! What I’ve learned is that it’s just as hard to maintain as to put on in the first place. It’s hard because we’re traveling a lot; we’re really busy and I hardly have time to go to the gym, and I keep on eating as well.

(To Taylor) What sort of diet do you follow?

Taylor: Hmmmm...High-protein diet and carbs, and less sugar, definitely! But I eat small meals every two hours, constantly.

(To Taylor) And what sort of workout do you do?

Taylor: More of weight-lifting and less of cardio workout.

Did you think that the Twilight Saga would be a huge hit?

Robert: No, not at all. What happened is just completely impossible for me to understand still.

Kristen: No, I didn’t expect it at all. It was a shock to me when it became a phenomenal hit. You don’t expect that kind of thing, do you?

Taylor: Everything was totally unexpected. What happened is just mind-blowing, unbelievable!

(To Robert) How do you deal with the tremendous success of the Twilight Saga all over the world?

Robert: I mean, once you have done a movie, that’s your job done so you just kind of relax and see what happens. But it’s nice to be in a series because you can keep people waiting for the next one. It’s nice to hear people speak well about the previous ones and look forward to the new one.

To what would you attribute the huge appeal of the Twilight Saga?

Robert: Vampire stories have always fascinated people of all ages since time immemorial. The Twilight Saga is not an exception.

Kristen: Ahhhh, I mean, I’m fond of the books. I guess it’s not really something of a message or anything, it’s just that the story is very universal, very basic and very simple. It’s about first love and I’m sure people can relate to that.

Taylor: I think it’s the way Stephenie Meyer wrote the books. She created characters in a story that everybody and anybody can relate to. Plus, the directors have done a very good job in bringing those characters to life on film.

(To Taylor) Aside from Jacob Black, do you have any favorite character in theTwilight Saga?

Taylor: Ahhhh...It’s hard to choose. There are so many great characters. I like Edward Cullen; he’s an awesome character. I think Alice Cullen (played by Ashley Greene) is pretty cool as well.

(To Taylor) What’s the best lesson that you have learned so far after doing Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse?

Taylor: Just to stay true to yourself and not let everything that’s happening around you change you. And I think that it helps that we’re going through it all together.

(To Taylor) You’ve been so busy with theTwilight Saga these past three years, how do you enjoy your time away from work?

Taylor: I enjoy myself a lot! It’s like living two lives. I have this work life and then I have my old life which allows me to spend time with the same people I did before.

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