A little info on the mansion used yesterday on the set of 'On the Road'

The house is a historic building

In the 19th century, between Saint-Laurent and Clark, extending in a north-south (from Sherbrooke Street to Old Montreal) a district of "new rich". The Molson, the Mackenzie and many other businessmen wealthy were established. Sumptuous mansions and luxury villas are thus succeeded in this sector yet the limits of the campaign.
However, with the great stock market crash of 1929, many of these wealthy owners had to dispose of their homes. Some housing agencies culminated in the hands of various (McGill University, hospitals, etc.).. Unfortunately, the great majority were demolished, so that today, very few of these magnificent villas remain.

Among those who escaped the wrecker peak, is home Notman, the oldest houses in this sector. His story begins in 1844 when a prominent lawyer, William Collis Meredith purchased land at the corner of Sherbrooke Street and Clark (formerly side-by-Baron), and decided to build to a majestic residence, including plans were entrusted to John Wells (the very one to whom we owe the architecture of the headquarters of the Bank of Montreal and the St. Anne's Market, formerly the Place d'Youville). Meredith has also demanded that it was best for his future residence gray stone without streaks or black spots, dry pine without knots, etc..

The results were inconclusive and the house, neoclassical, was completed in 1845. At first glance, it is probably his great symmetry that strikes the eye and making it a masterful remains. The facade of carved stone, a porch with four columns, classical motifs and beautifully crafted windows, complement a more elaborate than the front side or the schedules were completed in the 20th century. Inside, Meredith, who wanted a house of art, built a hall where the imposing central staircase is perhaps the centerpiece of this home. In addition, many homes with marble, moldings, wall plaster and a skylight contributes to its architectural quality.

Meredith had no time to enjoy time with his new abode. In fact, appointed a judge of the Superior Court in Quebec in 1849, he rented a while, eventually selling it to the son of John Molson, Alexander. In 1876, once again, the house changed hands and its new owner, probably the most famous, William Notman, since it would leave her name.

Party of Scotland to arrive in Montreal in the summer of 1856 William Notman had studied photography in his country of origin. The same year he opened his first studio, now defunct, on Bleury Montreal. The success was immense Notman, mainly because of the artistic quality of his images and his mastery of the art of the composite. It was enough to give birth to a tradition that would leave a leading score of studios, including thirteen in the United States, and especially a beautiful collection of photographs, now owned by the McCord Museum of Canadian History.

After Notman's death in 1891, the house was purchased by George Drummond, who bequeathed it to St. Margaret's Anglican sisters. For practical reasons, the house undergoes a series of changes. Fortunately, today, the house owned by three investors, has been completely renovated and restored to its original condition with attention to detail and respect for authenticity. Some film fans have sometimes held in the meantime, according to one of its owners, a new vocation to the height of his condition.

pics & info researched by twilightquebec | translation by google translator/via

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