Is Robert Pattinson the most powerful entertainer in the world? Well according to reports, he has made this list of the world’s most powerful entertainers as complied by Entertainment Weekly.
As to where young Robert falls on this list is anyone’s guess because the actual rankings have not been disclosed yet.
This is great news for Pattinson who has gone from a nobody to super star in less than three years and really only doing one film (Twilight series).
The future seems to be the limit for Robert Pattinson, but the big challenge for him will be making other successful films. No actor can live off of just one series of films. If Pattinson can manage to star in other blockbuster films over the next couple of years then he will have entered into Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp status. If can manage to win an Oscar then he may be considered one of elite actors right up there with Tom Hanks. It is possible. Robert Pattinson has the talent to do it, but it’s not all about talent. Sometimes it is luck and picking the right films to do. But, I think Pattinson will be just fine and will have a very long and successful career.
Where do you think Robert Pattinson will appear on the list of most powerful entertainers? Make your guess by commenting below.