Shiloh Fernandez Mentions Rob/Twilight in Another Interview

JACOBS: How close were you to getting the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight?

FERNANDEZ: You’ll have to ask Catherine. It appears that I was closer than I maybe remember. I did have a screen test and signed contracts and all that. But the thing that came out of it, whether I was second runner-up or not, was that Catherine and I liked each other, and she was gracious enough to keep me in mind for other things. I really don’t know how close I was to getting the part in Twilight. Did I want the part? I did. But I don’t think I was right or ready for it. And I don’t think anybody knew that it was going to be what it’s turned out to be. When Riding Hood came along, I thought it was a much better fit.

JACOBS: Is it strange to consider Robert Pattinson’s life? How that madness could have been yours?

FERNANDEZ: I don’t think it ever could have been mine. I think it would have been really, really bad for me. He seems like a really neat guy who’s handled himself amazingly well. I’m very grateful at this point that I didn’t get it. I remember when my agent called to tell me I didn’t get it. And then the next day I had an audition for something else. [laughs] When it came out, I was doing a movie with Ashley Greene, who’s in Twilight, and we went to the movies and watched it. It is a funny experience but I can’t say that it was one of the movies I was heartbroken over not getting.
Well what do you think. I feel bad that he continues to be asked about Twilight, but I find it hard to believe that he is happy about not getting it. He seems to act cool about it but I think deep down he's a little jealous...

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One Response to Shiloh Fernandez Mentions Rob/Twilight in Another Interview

  1. I think that Twilight made us all take notice of Rob, but I doubt we would have all loved Shilo in the same way if he got the role of Edward instead.

    I don't find Shilo attractive at all, and he doesn't have that same charm that is uniquely ROB. Plus, Shilo whould have never had that intense chemistry that Robsten has. Shisten? I don't think so. lol


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