Chris Weitz Tweet again about Rob and Kristen :)

Karolinawithk why were Robert Pattinson covered with black dots in the volterra scene?
Either CGI tracking marks or bad outbreak of acne.

@SteffiTwoBits You must have heard bout BD2 pic leaks today. How much can that hurt a director still editing his film?
I just heard about this. Well, one can understand the fans’ excitement, but really you;re trying to make a surprise present with a big bow
on top, a complete film, so it can be a drag. Did the pics give lots away

@jittzpattzing it gave away ALOT. and there’s more out there. Summit’s security is for sh*t. really
Honestly, it is impossible to plug all the leaks. Sounds like a pity, because you get an incomplete version of final product. Be strong!

@Chudygirl Lots of E/B lovin’ and Bella as a vamp. Wish Summit could use the “if you peek it goes back” rule my parents used for Cmas gifts
Well that’s the problem on the internet isn’t it… nothing we do, say or show can be taken back, ever

@inezofmysoul put yourself in his shoe, if u were him would u b so dissapointed/mad dat d pics leaked or maybe cud be good for early promo?lol
I’d probably be bummed. And then move on.

@elousika Hello, can I ask you for something? Edward will have better lenses than in previous parts? Thank you for answer
You will see my anser at TwilightLensCom 2011 in Lensville, Alabama

@betanyjane14 who do you think would have made a good edward beside rob??
That would be confusing, wouldn’t it? Two Edwards standing beside one another?

@Mini_Edward17 How do pics like that get leaked in the first place. Should we assume someone is going to get fired over it?
mmm… highly likely. Unless it is a terribly clever marketing ploy.

@RavenLilly_ That’s exactly what it is, a marketing ploy we all know this.How would those specific pics get into the wrong persons hands?
Oh well that’s easy. cel phones, digicams… I mean, they got State Department cables out in a Lady Gaga CD case.

@Ashley10116 Team Edward or Team Jacob? No answering with some smart answer. You can only answer with one (Edward) or the other (Jacob).
I am a Jacob. So that has to be my team, by default. Except really, honestly, I’m team Bella.

@caitlin71Ann when there are a lot of extras in a movie and the actors have to walk through them do the actors need security?
No, though we did have scurity in Montepulciano, there were so many people…

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