‘Breaking Dawn’ Wedding Crashers Revealed

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, could not have a quiet, ordinary wedding. What fun would that be? Breaking Dawn is only a few months away, and details are dropping like, well, like clumps of wolf fur in shedding season. What with human wedding guests and vampire guests and the sheriff all trying not to notice each other too much during the reception, furry gate crashers just seem necessary to the party. And Hollywood Life interviewed Kiowa Gordon, who plays one of the werewolves, to get a line on what will be happening.

Here is the scoop. They may not have been invited, but several werewolves were lurking all around the Cullen property, where the wedding was held. Think about it—where else would they be? And "we crashed it," Kiowa says. "It was really cool." Not in their wedding-appropriate best clothes, but in the denim cut-offs they wear most of the time, when they aren't sprouting fur. There was some of that, too, of course. All the shape-shifters need to do is get angry, and that's pretty easy with so many vampires around, right?

Readers of Breaking Dawn the book already know Jacob Black had found himself lost in an identity crisis, unable to bear seeing the woman he loved become all hard and icy cold, so he turned himself into a semi-permanent wolf to ease the pain. But he showed up at the reception, as a "wedding gift" for Bella. With Edward's blessing. So that was sort of an invitation, even if not engraved. But naturally other pack members were there, too, to back him up. Crashers, galore!

"It was a night shoot," Gordon says, apparently with relish. "...and we were hiding in the woods." Sounds like a plan. For the rest, fans will need to wait until November.

 Gather| Twilightish 

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