K-11 Updates?

The following may be confusing but this is what K-11 co-writer, Jared Kurt, tweeted tonight. Still no confirmation if Kristen is going to star in this or not.
K-11 is a story about redemption...about the dark days we all experience as human beings...and how we rise above. _JAK_

K-11 is not about defaming the Los Angeles Police Department, or the "shock value" implicit to any jail story. _JAK_

What makes the film disrurbing is how young the inmates are. Old enough to vote, but young enough not to care. _JAK_

The reason why I cannot reveal many details about the film, is simply because these details are still being defined _JAK_

The concept of K-11 is bigger than one film. _JAK_

It is the birth of a franchise. Extending beyond one film...into Television and Nu Media Distribution. _JAK_

In essence, K-11 is the story of my life. _JAK_

K-11 is Kristen's "Boys don't Cry" or "Monster" and she wants it to be right. _JAK_

There are some newer tweets and he seems to be upset with some people who don't care for not giving defined details on the project. But if things aren't set in stone I don't blame him for making sure he doesn't say something that he will have to take back later. We'll have to stay tuned on this one....

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