SWATH set info + pic from @HerdingClouds #Day3


  • Well take about a gorgeous day! Sun, golden sand, and what looks like will be an epic movie!
  • Watching the charge of horses through explosions. One rider down, ambulance on beach.
  • Resetting for another take. Very windy up here. A lot more people watching today.
  • Yesterday cold, today sunburnt! Incredible day on set! More footage of the cavalry charge, with cannon fire explosions! Love it! :o)
  • 1st Units camp was down on the beach today. A lot of the crew making the most of the "summer". Interviews here.
  • The horses were kept well watered in today's conditions. Never seen such patient animals before in my life!
  • Production crew reviewing a take on the fixed-cam.
  • Here you can see the special effects in place before the charge! Must be a ton of sand covering each air cannon.
  • The quiet before the storm! Huge amount of crew in place, hidden behind rocks to keep out of shot.
  • I am told some of them are Spanish. The black horses particularly are monstrous! :o)
  • Here you can get an idea of the quantity of horses and vehicles that move around the beach!
  • The start of the charge. The boom from the air cannons echoed around the bay. The horses didn't flinch at all.
  • Although one rider was flung from his saddle. After immediate treatment he left the location by quad.

This is the vehicle taking the majority of the shots. The guys seem to love the open beach!!!


  • Wide angle of the island where the castle will stand in the movie. On days like this I feel lucky to live here!
  • With the cross-shore wind we have today, it was definitely a good day for the flags and pennants!

  • One of the charging knights. If you have keen eyes you will spot Kristen and Chris.
  • Another photo of a knight with Kristen and Chris in the background.
  • The war-band! Fantastic horse handlers, friendly people, really very impressive
  • And credit should go to the dumper-drivers, constantly shuttling sand along the beach for the air cannons.
  • And thats it! I didn't pursue more photos of Kristen because of my luck yesterday. Plus, I didn't want to be intrusive!
  • I hope you like the pics guys! Remember you all saw them first! I will go back tonight, just to get some sunset shots.
  • Kristen was earlier today. She has left now, her double has taken her place. :o)

We are going to miss you. You gave us amazing news coverage this week!

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