Some Amazing NEW Robsten Videos ;)

So many amazing videos are being made right now of our favorite couple!! I'm sure there will be plenty more in the next few weeks now that promo for Breaking Dawn will include some wonderful R/K moments!! So since the next few weeks the VOTD will have a special theme I wanted to make sure you were able to see these videos!! ENJOY!! (And Subscribe so you never miss out on their videos!!)

'Can't Get My Mind Off You' from the lovely libenet
Not gonna lie, this video made me tear up a bit (I'm sappy). But really you could tell how much he missed her this week and I love all the quotes and mentions of Kristen from this week's promo ;)

'Wish You Were Here' from robsten4everfan
I'm sure Kristen's been hoping to see her man, soon, if not already ;)

'Because He's Hers' from melg0510
I love some of the quotes from this video! Poor Rob had to wait for her, but he did!

'Brighter Than the Sun' from kathk9p
awww, the couple is defintely a bright spot to me on any day!!

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