New Kristen Interview with 20 minutes (Switzerland) from SWATH UK Press Junket

Source |YouTube thanks to KstewDevotee|  Translation thanks to Robsteners (under the cut)

Has acting been your dream job ever since?
No, I think I started going to set with my mum a lot and I'd see kids on set. I was jealous and bored and I really wanted a job. The only thing you can do as a kid is acting. That was fun and a great responsability. I felt awesome because I was treated like an adult. At 13 I made a movie and realised that I want to keep acting for myself. Yeah I love it.

What do you like best about the new Snow White?
Kristen Stewart: At court Snow White is excluded and is not allowed to participate in the social life. Instead she's connected with plain citizens and would do everything for the people. That's nice.
Can you put yourself in this situation?
Yes, I do share too, however as a star, I share my life with the public, that's pretty crazy.

Has acting been your dream job ever since?
No, I think I started going to set with my mum a lot and I'd see kids on set. I was jealous and bored and I really wanted a job. The only thing you can do as a kid is acting. That was fun and a great responsability. I felt awesome because I was treated like an adult. At 13 I made a movie and realised that I want to keep acting for myself. Yeah I love it.

Were you also treated like a thirteen-year-old while filming this movie?
No (laughs). The physical effort this time was enormous. I was aware of the fact that it'd be exhausting and cold. The movie shows the real conditions that we experienced on set. When I shiver in one scene, then I was really cold.

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