New Kristen Interview with The Independent from Cannes

“I am so self-aware, so self-conscious,” she says. “There are people in life who lead the way and run after things, and then there are the observers and followers. I am one of those people; I’d be latching onto the leader. That’s why I love to play characters that are so completely different to myself.”

In Snow White, Stewart says she loves the fact “you have a kick-ass heroine, someone who can fight, yet she’s not a strange girl pretending to be a boy. I always wanted to do something physically challenging and this was it.”

“I always say follow the heart and things usually wind up where you want to be.” Her attitude to what she wants is perhaps best summed up when she is asked about her On the Road character, Marylou, who Stewart says is a heroine of hers; it was a favourite book of hers as a teenager. ” I love her spirit,” she enthuses. “She’s so genuine, so herself. She refuses to be a commodity and I love that.”

Complete article at source  | Via: KSN

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