New Bella and Edward Still from Breaking Dawn: Part 2

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8 Responses to New Bella and Edward Still from Breaking Dawn: Part 2

  1. Miss twilight
    miss Rob so much, can't wait to see him again :)

  2. I miss robsten pic so much

  3. dear admin,
    i cant find the anon in the drop down list. are we not allow to comment as anons anymore?:((

    1. That's correct. We hope you guys understand and the reason for this is to keep people from starting drama on here. The past few weeks have been crazy and so we want to keep the blog drama free.

    2. i see. thanks for clearing it up. im one of many posters here who prefer to be anons but swear im not a nut case. oh well, your blog, your rules. i understand your reasoning:D

    3. I'm so sorry sweetie. I really hate it because there are always a few people that ruin it for the rest. Hope you understand and still keep visiting. Hugs :)

  4. I absolutely love this pic. They are just so adorable together!


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