Jim Sturgess Talks About 'The Big Shoe' and Kristen with BBC America

Kristen mention around 4:56

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17 Responses to Jim Sturgess Talks About 'The Big Shoe' and Kristen with BBC America

  1. Interesting comment by the interviewer after Jim said that he has seen her indie films and she is great. The interviewer sounds like he is trying to refute Jim's comment/assesment of Kristen by suggesting that he should see Twilight, amost insinuating that he'll think differently after he sees Kristen in Twilight. He sounds mean and snarky.
    Does anyone know the BBC interviewer's name? May need to send him an email. I hate it that he is trying to make Kristen look bad and try to change Jim's evaluation of Kristen's abilities as an actress.

    1. Yeah...I feel the same too

    2. I agree with you. The interviewer did sound very bias.

    3. Don't embarass yourself, you are being way too sensitive. Nothing was said that was derogatory of Kristen. Asking whether or not someone has seen the Twilight films is also not going to change any opinion of her acting abilities.

  2. Sorry where is the video? I see nothing );

  3. saw the movie upside down and thought it was good..in an odd way

  4. I've noticed that a lot of media people attached to so-called respectable media outlets are behaving in the same manner as those from the gossipy/rag type of outlets. There seem to be no distinction anymore. Sensationalism and meanness rules to get a quick buck. For example, recently I read a mean and inaccurate article on Kristen in the Washington Post quoting their source as AP. They're stooping so low just to compete with the rags! UGH!

    1. I think the same. It happens in many major cities in US and Canada too. It's sad we can't trust those media anymore.

  5. This movie looks really good. I think I'm going to do and see this at the dollar theater when it comes out this summer.

  6. This film looks interesting, might have to go watch it.

  7. There is no ethics in journalism anymore...and I'm not just talking about Celebrity/Movie journalism. Politics, sports, general news...journalists have become vultures. Anything to sell a story, or name drop to get some attention.

  8. I think we're reading too much into this interview. I watched it and it seemed ok. I think we are just expecting people to be mean to her now. He seemed appropriate. A lot of people Kristen has worked with say they haven't watched twilight.

    1. Yeah I don't see any intentional meanness either..

    2. I totally agree, there is nothing in the interviewers behaviour that was innapropriate or rude.

    3. me too. were reading or rather looking too much into it. he asked that question because A.) Twilight is Kristens rise to fame movies B.) its relatable.

  9. Thks Ingi I can see the video now (:

  10. Most interviewers would ask if they've seen Twilight if they know their going to be working with an actor from Twilight specially if its Rob or Kristen. An interviewer would never not ask that, whether there was malious intent or not, but if they think they can get something going, I'm sure they wouldn't mind that.


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