We caught up with Kristen Stewart days after she appeared at the Academy Awards with that most unusual accessory: crutches. "It's much better now," she says of her foot, which she injured on a piece of glass. Stewart, who recently signed on to star in The Big Shoe, says she's been spending time with a certain Twilight costar. No, not that one - Taylor Lautner. "It's been so long since we've been in [L.A.] at the same time. I've been seeing a lor of that young lout." With Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012, 1hr., 55 mins., PG-13) now out on DVD, we asked her to name her top five moments from the franchise.
1. TWILIGHT'S PROM "This is number one on my list for a reason," says Stewart of the final scene in the 2008 film. "I remember stepping on Rob's feet in my sneakers, and we listened to that song ['Flightless Bird, American Mouth' by Iron & Wine] all night. It was the end of the shoot, and we were all so close and not wanting to go home yet. That's the one scene I look at and always start crying. And I'm not a bit embarrassed about it."
2. NEW MOON REUNION "We had around 200 people - tourists, locals - watching like it was theater," Stewart says of Bella and Edward's Italian reunion. "They'd be quiet for filming, and at the end of every take they'd applaud. I crashed through the fountain and into Rob's arms - we must have done it 15 times - and they'd clap every single time."
3. BREAKING DAWN - PART 1'S WEDDING It wasn't easy to keep Stewart's wedding dress a secret. "They put me in f---ing Volturi cloak," she says. But she loves to remember that trip down the aisle. "It's this feeling I had that it was like a real wedding. I have these memories of it that are not in keeping with a movie set. It feels like my memories. You have room in your mind for character, and then there's room for yourself. That memory is definitely more mine."
4. TRUCK STOP Stewart fondly recalls one "random" scene from Twilight. "I'm washing my truck, and Rob drops in on me suddenly," she says. "It was so tense shooting Twilight, and here's this little scene that felt like it was out of an 80's teen movie. He does this cool little move, and we're sort of dancing around each other. We still talk about this scene and how fun it was. He remembers what I was wearing. I remember everything about that day."
5. ONE LAST DANCE The final scene Stewart ever shot with Lautner is also one of her favorites. "Dancing together at the end of Bella's wedding was incredibly emotional," she says. "We listened to Christina Perri's A Thousand Years,' and it was perfect - for the characters and us, too."
margiecatherine | Via
i love that interview!! i love the part when she talks about twilight's prom and how she and rob danced...i also love when she says that she felt into rob's arms in new moon and that she considers the wedding memories HERS.And the truck scene in twilight for which they still talk about and he remembers what she wears!! amazing
ReplyDeleteWow! This relationship between Rob and Kristen is something else! When she talked about taking down walls, she was not kidding. She talks about Rob freely now, and don't give a crap what people will say after than. They really love each other......"he remembers what I wore that day". I am doing my happy dance right now.
ReplyDeleteAnd I will join you.
DeleteNow that the money has been counted she may be opening up more. I think they resent the PR accusations and we will see a much more open R/K now. But they will probably still hide from paps.
ReplyDeleteShe would not have been that sappy a year ago.
I think it may also have something to do with what may have happened or not happened this past summer and almost losing her relationship with Rob that has changed how freely she speaks now. He was always pretty open about his feelings for her...he could barely contain himself around her and it was obvious how he felt about her during interviews. As time goes on and they get older, I think they realize just how special what they have is. I'm happy that she's able to speak so openly (above). After filming 5 movies together and hearing her talk about the memories they've shared, it's obvious they are bound for life!! I love Twilight AND their love story--it's sweet and beautiful. <33
DeleteYou said it perfectly:-)) my sentiments exaxtly
DeleteExactly I mean
DeleteJust got home after listening to BD1 music on my commute! So thrilled to read this interview!
ReplyDeleteANON 2:33 you're right about her being free to speak her mind now.
Love 'Flightless Bird, American Mouth' which was also played during the wedding.
Love the Prom scenes when we could FEEL the intensity of their love!
I feel so much better after this interview. I'm even over MTV not inviting them. This is better...a real breaking dawn with Kristen opening up!
I'm glad she's keeping up her friendship with Taylor. :D
DITTO with everything you said. Lovely comment!
ReplyDeleteOh my dear Kristen... Those memories are killing me coz I feel for you. I pray for your strength , love & success all the time. It will break my heart if anything bad happens to you. I am counting the days for Rob to come home to you ....;). Take care love!.
ReplyDeleteI think I might want to buy this mag too. What issue is it?
DeleteI think we should all buy the magazine.
DeleteIt should be the newest issue of EW with Liberace on the cover, out now or soon to be. The cover is dated March 15, 2013 (#1250). Kristen's article appears in the DVD section of the mag, which also has a picture from the prom scene. I love Kristen's picks for her favorite moments.
DeleteAnd Rob's favorite scene ever is the dance from the prom. So they have the same favorite memory :D.
ReplyDeleteAnd bout the wedding scene felt so real maybe they really did married just like Rob said ;)
Even though that sounds crazy to believe. I truly believe that is what they did. I don't care what others think.
DeleteWhat a lovely interview. Other 'journalists' should take note! It's possible to interview and write a piece about Kristen without being rude or bitchy. And I agree with everyone else I adore how open she is about their relationship these days.
ReplyDeleteAmen sister! 100% agree!
DeleteTomorrow this honest, beautifull and deep interview will be transformed into something else by the webloids. But that does not matter anymore, we know how you fell, we love you and will always support you.
ReplyDeleteWho care about tabloids or webloids. They only publish lies and fake stories. It doesn't do any good to anyone so I stop reading those articles since last year. I believe Krisen is an authentic and generous person in nature. I'll always support her too.
DeleteI just love how Kristen says "That's the one scene I look at and always start crying. And I'm not a bit embarrassed about it." So adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad her foot is healing nicely!
I love it too and actually cried for a while..... When you love someone so deeply, you don't care what others think of you!. You show to the world how proud you are with your feeling .....you take the beatings & humiliation and that's what Kristen is going thru. Same thing goes to Rob after he took her back. That is a true love!. I have to be strong too when reading bad stuffs about Kris on media . How dare....even to some celebs who made fun of her!!. No one knows....except for Kris & Rob...
DeleteAgree with you. Always thrilled to watch that scene.
DeleteI took this from someone who post it at I don't remember which site so hope she don't mind I use it
ReplyDeleteProm ... Checked , Wedding... Checked , Truck stop... Checked , Last dance.... Checked ... Haha... Best interview no need MTV """ I'm still not watching (:
I'm glad she started opening more about the 2 of them,i'm pretty sure it felt liberating for her ,no wonder everytime Joshy mention anything about the started of Twilight she freaked out tremendously,i think it's because deep in her heart of hearts she love & adore Rob from the beginning and their memories together.You can tell by the way she look at him before ,it's like Rob is the 8th wonder of the world to her,w/c is so adorable to watch and see from our POV.
I loved this interview for all of the reasons you all just stated. I really think they will be more open cause it's over now and they can just be themselves. They never wanted their relationship to overshadow Twilight. They said that a million times at least! I just saw a thing on E! about the mistakes in Twilight and corrected one for them. They said that when Kristen Googled "cold ones" it should have had a lot of Budweiser stuff on it. They are wrong. I Googled it and sure enough, you get what she got in the movie. I let them know they should have tried it before they said it was a mistake. Oh well! I never have understood why after a franchise is over all the hate starts. Why would you do that? Makes no sense to me.
ReplyDeleteOh I just ran into town and I too was listening to the first Twilight music. I really love the music in that one and in BD2. I like the other ones too, but those two are the best in my opinion. Glad Kristen's foot is better. That had to just suck!
@Sherry - Maybe when you Google "Cold Ones" it shows vampire stuff NOW since thats popular, but perhaps before Twilight came out it would have had a different outcome. Not defending, but I'm just guessing.
DeleteThey best way to know that is do an archive search. It allows you to type in a search and it pulls up stuff that would have been shown at a certain date.
DeleteThank you Kristen,you and Rob are so beautiful inside and out,Keep loving each other and know that there are thousands of fans out there on your side!!!
ReplyDeleteAaawwww....interview is priceless!! I feel warm inside..too cute!
ReplyDeleteMe tooo....:)
DeleteThis is realy make my day!
ReplyDeleteI always think that EW treats these actors with respect. It's nice to read an interview where the joy she feels about her work seeps through.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kristen for sharing- AND - that is why we LOVE TWILIGHT!!!
ReplyDeleteIt makes me so happy to know that she and Rob have such treasured memories of their time together filming the Twilight movies. I loved every scene she mentioned too. The Twilight Prom scene was so sweet and romantic - a perfect movie moment. The wedding scene felt so real and emotional to us the fans, it must have felt 100 times that way for Rob and Kristen!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! But I do have to disagree with Kristen on the last one - Christina Perry's "A Thousand Years" is NOT perfect for that scene with Jacob. Even Christina Perry said it was specifically written for Edward and Bella and listening to the lyrics I can't possibly imagine it for Jacob/Bella farewell dance. Maybe a song like "I Will Always Love You" or something, but not "A Thousand Years."
ReplyDeleteStill loved all her fav choices though! Definitely going to miss these movies and seeing them altogether :)
Do you hear yourself? You want to tell somebody what they should consider perfect? She was filming the last scene with Taylor, a boy she has worked with since he was sixteen, a boy how has stayed closed and loyal to her like a brother. This was their last scene together, it was an emotional time for her. Do you get that? You are unbelievable.
DeleteWhoa, calm down lady! I didn't say she shouldn't have picked that scene, I was just commenting on MY OPINION on her choice of song saying it was perfect for their CHARACTERS. It had nothing to do with Kristen or Taylor, just their CHARACTERS which is something everyone is aloud to have an opinion of. Do you get that? You are the unbelievable one!
DeleteNo. You need to calm down. Read your first comment. You said you disagree with her fifth choice and that the song was wrong for the scene. You want to be free to express yourself? That is exactly what Kristen was doing and you are objecting to it, in caps! You calm down.
DeleteHoney, grow up seriously. People like you just go online to fight with people. There is nothing wrong with either of my comments because they were just that comments. This is a comment board ment to state our opinions, and that's what I did. Of course I was not expecting to get attacked for my opinion, especially not when I didn't say anything negative. Originally my comment was meant light heartedly, but I realize now that tone doesn't come across in typed words. But I stand by it, I think her choices are all amazing and I'm so proud of her for feeling more open and able to express herself, but I just dont agree with her statement that the song was perfect for the characters when it was written specifically for E/B.
DeleteThere is nothing wrong with disagreeing, grow up and stop reading every single line everyone writes in the hopes of finding something you can argue with...because that's exactly what you did.
P.S. The CAPS were used to emphasize certian words that you obviously weren't paying attention to. This is writing and you can't hear tone of voice, I would have slanted the word, but you can't do that here. It has nothing to so with shouting or needing to calm down. Its the actually words that matter and yours are obviously in attack mode, so yes, you need to calm down.
DeleteSooo she "objected" (disagreed) to it, in caps (one word). Big deal!! Just means she's on Team Edward. What an overreaction Anon 8:37pm!!
DeleteDear Crazy Anon. I don't usually comment, but this 88 year old biker bitch is on her last minute. This site has always been a happy, loving and intelligent site. There is a place called Gossip Cop that tries to tell the truth inside the lies. For some reason every Vicious Happy Hater and Computer Oswald is there. Go...and seek out thy brothers and sisters.
DeleteDear Anon...there is a site form you. It is called Gossip Cop and although they do their dammedest to tell the truth inside the lies, every Vicious Happy Hater and Computer Oswald seems to congregate there. Your tone and and general lack of good manners would be more appropriate there. This site has always beebread a happy, loving and intelligent place. I don't want to sully this place. When I have reached my last minute I can leave leave ''anons'' broken and bleeding. So...you knows the old saying ''if you can't say anything nice...then go find the rest of your family.''
DeleteUSERNAME: inlovewiththeirlove
The way I read that was that they all listened to Christina Perri's "A thousand years". (meaning all of the actors) Because if you see the behind the scenes stuff on the DVD it was clear that when they wrapped it wasn't just Taylor and Kristen there. That just happened to be the last scene shot. At least that's how I read Kristen's statement about her #5 moment.
DeleteTO ANON at 8:37 PM : yes you need calm down.you are rude...attack people at internet .how old are you? I DO AGREE WITH ANON 9:32 PM. whats wrong with this people.
DeleteI'm letting some of these comments get published but just remember this is a happy place and we like to see happy things. If you're on this site to bash others...'move along sir'
DeleteThanks :)
aww, thanks kristen, I love you both, hope you and rob keep love each other, love this interview, too cute, heartwarming oh yes make my day, thanks for sharing RD I love you too, you girls are wonderful....
ReplyDeleteI'm sooooo dying for Rob to get back and in on the interview action so everyone can stop saying she's pining for him. This interview just shows how deep their love is and that she's always gonna be connected to him in every way.....gotta love 'em!
ReplyDeleteAll the Feels!
ReplyDeleteThank you Rebsten Dreams you just made my day!!!
ReplyDeleteLove love love this interview!! I am going to LA next week, i hope i can meet kristen there! Lol
ReplyDeleteAww isn't that the most beautiful thing. I think the first Twilight movie is very special for Kristen and Rob because they both loved that movie. I think the first Twilight is my favorite too because it's where it all started I think it's a very special movie for all of us fans, it's got so much heart and love in it and I think for Rob and Kristen it will always be something special because it holds so many special memories for them both, they didn't have so much pressure on them. I think even though Twilight is finished now Edward and Bella will always be in their hearts and in our hearts too. The whole Twilight experience is very special for all of us including them and I think no matter what happens now Rob and Kristen will always be together, it doesn't matter if Rob is all the way here in Australia so far from her because she knows that he loves her more then anything in the whole world and he knows that Kristen loves him so much. I hope that when she's missing him and cuddling In his arms she thinks about all these wonderful memories she has with him like when she ran into his arms in New Moon or the Prom scene or when he made her laugh, his cool 80's move when he jumps down from the truck and the wedding. Don't worry Kristen sweetheart it'll happen for you one day! Rob will propose one day, we know he will he just needs to muster up some courage. Remember when he said that he used to refer to Kristen as his wife and he proposed many times on set or that "in they eyes of the church we are actually married" I reckon that Rob's imagined Kristen as his loving wife more then once before and hey who knows In a couple of years or maybe even earlier then that Kristen could be the new Mrs Pattinson, and maybe even be pregnant for real. Who knows what the future holds for them all I know is that their love is true. Otherwise they wouldn't have made it this far at all, no matter what other people say at the end of the day Kristen and Rob and those closest to them know what's going on, but the fact that she's talking about Rob and their special memories they had on set, she's still wearing his cloths and her necklace Kristen is telling us in her own subtle way that hey everything is OK between us and we still love each other the way we did when we first got together. They have gone through so much together. For me this interview shows me that Kristen loves Rob and he'll always hold a very special place in her heart and that she regards him very highly and I think Kristen knows better then anyone else what a good man Rob is.
ReplyDeleteOh my dear, you exactly caught the words from my heart and i couldn't have said it much better. Reading this recent interview of her makes me so emotional and im feeling like an emo right now lol. Its been obvious that rob and kristen have a special bond together since the beginning of the twilight film and we can see how they look at each other and im so thankful that they choose to be together and love each other unconditonally. Their relationship is so special for them and knowing how much they cared and love each other is a gift. No one else can take that love away from them. It is theirs to protect. When their love is truly right, it grows from year to year and it never disappears. Im praying when time tells, they will marry each other and have alot of mini gorgeous kristen and mini handsome rob.
DeleteJust my opinion, but I think these two know they are committed for the "long haul", so the actual marriage part isn't as big of a deal to them. Remember the interview where Kristen says that she'd like whoever she's with to be so in tune with each other that it's just assumed they'll get married. And she says something like, "ya ya, we'll get to that one day" (meaning getting married)
Delete...'he remembers what i was wearing. I remember everything about that day'. Wow. I really love this quote from her. It's one of my favorite scenes too, the truck scene and Twilight will forever be my favorite out of all the series. There's just some indie-feel to it and i love that it rains so much in that movie which is exactly how it should be. :))
ReplyDeleteI bet Stephenie Meyer is amazed about how her books translated to the screen inspired her two principal actors.
ReplyDeleteWhen we watched The Twilight Saga, we got two movies rolled into one. On the one hand, we saw a fictional movie and on the other we saw a true story of two actors falling in love while acting in a fictional movie.
LOVE: so raw, so moving, so real...leaves you breathless.
Art at its best!
Thank you Stephenie! Thank you Rob! Thank you Kristen!
Same as what all of you saps said!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTHEY everything was beautiful but the two British newspapers say that its finished
ReplyDeleteMany comments on this article. Please remember that we're all here because we love the saga, Rob, and Kristen. Let's all get along and play nice. Please refer to the note above the comment box...Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate <3
ReplyDeleteLove you all xoxoxo