Paul Wesley, Kimora Lee Simons and Max Irons mention Rob

A star whose style I love is…
Robert Pattinson. He’s brought a distinct perspective to tailoring to the red carpet. And he’s so dashing!

The Host is very much in the same vein as Twilight, and there’s clearly a huge fan base out there. But I can’t imagine myself being as huge as Robert Pattinson. I’m not sure I could handle that level of fame.

Paul Wesley mentions Rob -- PS, I secretly love him :) 

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17 Responses to Paul Wesley, Kimora Lee Simons and Max Irons mention Rob

  1. Well said Kimora. Paul is funny. Nice to see Max back paddling, someone must have set him straight. And for the record, Twightlight and The Host are night and day.

    1. Anon @7:25 i totally agree with your comments. The Host will never have the same fanbase as Twilight. I don't understand all the comparison to Twilight. The only thing they have in common is Stephenie Meyer.

    2. He isn't back paddling. You read on interview where he mentioned Rob. He has been asked in nearly every interview if he and Jake expect the same fandom hype as Twilight and each time he said the same thing. "No", He just wants people to see the movie and enjoy it, that is it. The Host cast/staff KNOW that their movie can never be like Twilight. Even SM says the same thing. That other interview you read was misinterpreted.

    3. Anon 12:09. I read the comment he and his co-star made. There was nothing complimentary or flattering about it. Someone must have had a little chat with them about questions regarding Twilight especially questions on Rob. If he is saying nice things about Rob, he sure is singing a different tune than the hollier than thou nonsense he tried to pull a couple of weeks back. If you think otherwise, fine. Lets just agree to disagree. Thanks. I am glad, however, that he has changed his tune.

    4. Doesn't put Rob on a pedestal. He sounds same to me.

  2. Rob is special and unique ! we know that dont we ! luvya Rob !!

  3. How could anyone not love Rob. He's the best. Rob, your the total package.

    1. I DO AGREE. you right. i don't know some people who doesn't like rob.except they are jealous

  4. I don't know who they are ? I never interested in other actor or actress , what movie or tv are they on ? I only love Twilight saga and I adore Robert/ Kristen only (: my all time favourite and will spend money on their movies they make

    1. too Siok, I know who they are but I only love kris & rob, I miss them so much

    2. They are in The Vampire Dairies TV series.

    3. Paul's wife has good taste, liking Rob. I always liked Stefen the best, just one more reason to like Paul, he likes his wife loves Twilight and Rob.

  5. Max irons sounds down to earth and nice, he's handsome too, I'll see the host

    1. friends in school talk about him too, I'm glad that he's not only handsome but down to earth too

  6. I saw Max in Red Hiding Hood with Amanda Seyfried and I was totally unimpressed. Hopefully he will be better in The Host.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Aww rob is adorable, everybody like him. Btw max is gorgeous too, I think I'll see the host for stephanie and him


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