Moviefone’s ‘Twilight’ vs. ‘Harry Potter’


Moviefone: 'Harry Potter' and 'Twilight' fans have long been pitted against each other. 

For example, for the upcoming People's Choice Awards, only Emma Watson made the cut to represent the 'Harry Potter' kids -- a crime against Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe! Meanwhile, both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart of 'Twilight' garnered nominations. 

'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' are both fantasy books-turned-movies, and they've shared one actor in the form of Mr. Pattinson (who played Cedric in 'Potter' and now plays Edward in 'Twilight'). They have also both achieved cult-like devotion from their rabid fans.

Before the next 'Potter' film comes out on Nov. 19, we're curious to see which movie (and book) series' fans have the strongest base.

For one thing, we're looking for the biggest 'Harry Potter' fans and biggest 'Twilight' fans to submit videos about why they're the best and craziest representatives for their franchise. Think you have what it takes? Submit your video about why you're the biggest 'Harry Potter' or 'Twilight' fan of them all. Winner gets bragging rights and possibly the chance to thumb-wrestle your 'Potter' or 'Twilight' counterpart.

Go HERE to vote/enter

Source: Moviefone via Bellas Diary/via

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