Much to our squealing delight, the Water For Elephants trailer debuted last night. Ladies, hold on to your ovaries. It’s chock-full of tanned, coiffed Robert Pattinson (photos) doing more than his fair share of longing stares and lip licking. We love us some Edward Cullen, but Rob’s styling for the role of Jacob Jankowski may have just taken the cake for his hottest look ever. The movie actually looks quite good and the editor threw us all a bone(r) by including no small amount of RPattz eye candy. For your on-loop viewing pleasure, we’ve rounded up the top ten Rob-laden moments that made our hearts stop.
10. Rob’s best Chuck Bass impression.
7. Gulp. Rob experiencing love at first sight.
5. Giggly card shark Rob.
1. The only thing more precious than Rob with an elephant is Rob with an infant.
Thanks thefablife