Adorable fan tweets from inside the screening and afterparty of 'A Better Life'



Kristen is soo pretty/cute! she Screamed "wooo!!' for Chris when they presented him! She laughed/smiled & talked with Taylor the whole time

Kristen also got up to talk and give somebody a hug like 3 feet in front of me!! i wanted soo bad to say something but i was working!

She danced to the music and did this cute hand thing to the beat of the band lol, And i was like :D the whole time looking sideways STARING!

Kristen came in wearing her heels bt had her blue converse' in her hand, put them down, then she took her heels off & was shoeless! so cute!

even her Feet are pretty! lol she had her feet on the seat (knees up) & i think she was saying something to tay about her feet/ the shoes

cuz she was pointing to them and then a part of her foot like they were hurting her lol but yeah, .. so many moments i remember so cute! lol

Oh 1 more cute Stewy detail, she was biting her thumb skin lol which is funny cuz i had been doing the same two secs before i saw her lol

 and she ran her hand thru her kstewhair so many times! inside i was just like :D!! lol

There was live music before the movie and Kristen was kinda dancing to it. haha.
I'm not watching the movie, just working the event.

Oh, john went back out to get some popcorn. lol.

How have I not mentioned how fucking gorgeous Kristen is in person? Holy fucking shit. I die. How is she real?

I did not see the ninja exit the theater.

I do have something nice to say about Taylor...he is better looking in person. - He and Kristen were chatting in their seats before the movie. Very cute.

So when bodyguard was walking around the lobby & talking to theater security he was prob asking where Kristen can exit like a ninja.

Wish I could have seen Kristen dancing a long to this, because my friend sitting by her said she was kinda moving a long to the music lol 

lol she put those as soon as she sat down in the theater lol and had hot ASB take the heels to the car ...
She was enjoying the band and was texting and smiling and talking to tay tay :)

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