Rob is back in London, we know this. Now alot of rumors are said that he was a christening. Kristen is there too i presume. HEre is the first fan pic. THe girl is said to have more pics, so we shall see. Meanwhile, this is the first pic she sent us. Now, there is two scenarios.
New theory!! Kristen is still the one with her hands in her coat. I see no Rob... We are still waiting for cute kissy cuddly pics.
*UPdate* One more pic!! Lets find Rob now... I clearly see Kristen
*UPDATE* Our friend @krenidivadi tweets another pic of the group party where Rob and Kristen were yesterday. Still no Rob, unless I'm missing him. I see Kristen tho:))
Twitter updates from the fan that saw them:
- Just saw Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart outside my door.. Crying so much but I got a hug!! I have pictures! I'm so happy I can't even!!!
- here's one but its blurry and there are others on my camera! Try 2 download soon!! Lol I'm still crying!!
- its blurry but u can see its her. Other 1s are on camera, download soon. Still crying!
- Hey guys others are on the camera but ill download when I get back 2 mums house & yes in west london
- I can't believe I'm still sobbing a little bit. Its been 1h. God though. They were holding hands & I just started 2 cry bro took me 2 them(:
- Rob was inside the house, it was my neighbours party, but there are 1s w/ him on the camera. who wants to hear the full story? ._.
- They were the best. i was crying & my brother goes shut up or theyll hate u and she says "We wouldnt hate her! Aww"
- Thanks so much :3 I tweeted it. Sorry if its a crazy account, still shocked yano. But god. Im still shaking. Like wow. God. ADISUHGOAUSH(':
- Yes I have more pictures! But on my camera, & im at my dads house. Sorry for disappointing! :( But I'm just so shocked. Still. Thank u.<3
- Outside. Then he vanished into the house while I was playing paparazzi & snapping pictures ._. Can ya blame me?! :)
- Nope not today. Again, Im at my dads house. I posted the ones from my blackberry & you can see Kristen, not clearly, but u can tell Yeah(:
- Well I have one with Robert with kristen looking behind her shoulder near Rob. But I say its with Robsten(:
- They were holding hands when they walking down the street, before they noticed I was having a fandom breakdown ._.
- I couldnt help it ._. I just took out my blackberry and snapped like heck. My brother took pics on the camera. Sowwweee.
- When I go 2 mums house. but its a throwaway camera.. i'll find a way tho! no worries, i'll try not 2 disappoint! xox
- Kristen was smily. She said she could never hate me cus my brother said if I didnt shut up they'd hate me. & Rob was sweet.
- They looked scared to see me crying, but my brother explained. So all good, they were adorable. people at the party laughed:)x
- Yes they were holding hands (:& i THINK i have one.
- West london. I live in a 'famous' area, & I see some celebs but NONE as hot as
- Kristen&Robert. Or as famous. xox
- Truth is he was in the house, but I have pictures with both, on my camera. So thats the truth and dont tell me otherwise.
- They seemed VERY much in love. Holding hands & laughing together.
- Pictures with them. Well 1 yes they were holding hands.
- Couple. Definately a couple. yes.
- They're very sweet & very good looking in real life. I was like wow lol ._.
Her full story :)) Follow her @krenidivadi
All right. I was ready to go to my dads house, so I opened my front door, turned to look into the house waiting for my mother, then I turned around and saw a couple. I looked at them and gasped. It was ROBERT PATTINSON AND KRISTEN STEWART. I screamed and fell on the floor crying. My brother ran downstairs because he thought i was hurt. Then he was like WHAT HAPPENED and I was like ROBERT! KRISTEN! and they turned around, didnt see anything and walked to the party. My brother looked and grimaced. "Want to meet them?" "YES OMG YES" still crying :S then he said get the camera and your blackberry and then he took me to meet them. I was still crying my eyes out and long story short, I got to meet them, and I got a hug from Rob and I was told to cheer up and Kristen said she would never hate me because my brother said if I didnt shut up they would hate me. Then my mum got pissed at me because I kept on crying in my house. So I left the camera, took my blackberry and left for my dads, which is where I am now. When I get back to mum, I'll find some way of getting the photos onto Twitter. But I still have tears in my eyes after like one hour. I cant get over, they were so sweet even though we basically crashed their party! Rob was wearing a shirt, a grey hoodie, trousers and sneakers and Kristen was all in black with hair extensions. Im so lucky, and so happy. Gah I still cant believe it! Dont believe me? Nobody likes you & I have proof. I'll make a YouTube video later. THANK U ROB AND KRISTEN<3<3Source