Rumors & more rumors! Meh post :)

Earlier yesterday there was a tweet about Rob being spotted in NYC with his sister!! Here is the tweet:- via

rumor has it--- Kristen is flying there to do a photo-shoot with Rob!!! Now before you go all squeeeing on me. Let me clarify that is no where near grounded on any kind of legitimate source. What we do 'kinda' know is... Kristen had an appointment with Fashion stylist Marcus Numair- He tweeted about it earlier last week and we posted about it here! Well today happens to be Sept 3rd so the fandom is going wild tying the two together.

Is it going to happen? Idk.. Do i wish it would happen? Absofreakenlutely. BUT.. We are so not the people to know any of this. So i guess we wait. If its all bs, then so be it.

Whether it may be true or not. I am really missing RK so much. Need a reunion asap! 

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