Kristen on the Cover of Interview Magazine (Russia) August 2012

Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron — not simply two most appreciable actresses of our days. They — two alpha female who forever has dismissed from cinema the concept "weaker sex": their films collect cash desks not worse than blockbusters about superheroes. Since in 2008 there was the first part of the vampire saga "Twilight", the person Stewart doesn't descend from covers of glossy magazines and tabloids. Kristen has a film soon «On the road» according to Jack Kerouac's novel — so the idol of millions teenagers turns into the serious drama actress. To remain at peak of popularity, Charlize Theron at all could smile broadly only on the chamber. Contrary to stereotypes, that chooses roles of women of a hard lot with difficult, and sometimes awful character. However, thanks to Theron's charm the viewer is ready to forgive to them all.

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