Check out our Rob and Kristen Time Line :)

Hey guys! Since some of you may be new to the site I wanted to share with you our RK timeline we made at the beginning of the year. It's very easy to navigate and a lot easier to find posts and pictures about our fave couple. Check it out, like it, share it with friends... etc. Let us know what you think about it, K? Enjoy! :)

How to use:

You can browse through it by 'time line'- 'flip book'- 'list' - or 'map' (top left of the timeline) - You can also click on the (+) icon to see more pics within a short period of time. Also the (+ or -) bar on the left lets you see the timeline by years, months, or days :)

You can find this timeline by clicking here && on our tabs under the blog banner (rk time line)

**Admin Note** Please do not post anywhere else (ei: blog, site, etc.) This is exclusive to our followers only. Thank you! :)

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