New Edward and Bella Stills from Breaking Dawn: Part 2

Adorable new stills of Edward and Bella featured in the special edition if US Weekly magazine.

UPDATE: Added better quality scans :)

MQ Scan

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HQ scans

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HQ: Leeanne4Cali | MQ: epnebelle

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10 Responses to New Edward and Bella Stills from Breaking Dawn: Part 2

  1. They look sooo beautifull! makes me sad to think we may never see them look at each other like this again!!:(

    1. They Are working their issues! Give them time! Time is the answer for everything<3 robsten hope

    2. I think people should realise E/B are fiction characters. It's unfair to project E/B to R/K personal life. Together or aprat, I believe R/K will still be friend. I'm glad they both move on to their next project now.

    3. We know they are not E/B, do you think we are 12??? What we feel has nothing to do with the movie! and if they brake up, no way will they ever stay friends, it would hurt too much for both of them!

  2. The pic where there inside the closet i remember that from the book.

  3. The Love Nest looks so beautiful!! And I looove Nessie!!

    Someone in twitter is saying that Rob and K were in Soho House last night apparently... but until I don't see a pic I will not believe it. There is just to many lies in the media these days...

    Thanks for this pics!!!

  4. I totally agree with you.

  5. 'Edward' in the white shirt (while out hunting) looks yummy. The cottage is bigger, and more modern looking, than I expected, there again the Cullen's don't do things by halves do they?!

  6. The only thing that keeps me a little positive is the fact she is wearing her ring,bracelet and locket! I don't want to believe she would deceive us! or maybe it's just to let Rob know she still loves him! this whole situation is making me crazy! anyone else???

  7. i will always support robsten iam thier big fan no matter what happen


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