Robsten Support Message of the Day~'Mad World'

"You're nothing short of my everything."

Video from DedaCullen

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4 Responses to Robsten Support Message of the Day~'Mad World'

  1. It is a mad world indeed...but keep your faith and hang in there Robsten.....true love never dies.

    Thanks for the wonderful video.

  2. this relation like many others are in the phase of falling in love but at the same time on the phase of learning and decide why really why you want to stay with this person yes they are young and in a good time to begun to take the right choice.

  3. love is a balance good and bad the love is a constant decision .. decide who you love.

  4. everything changes today's crisis may turn out to be tomorrow's good fortune on happiness all my good wishes to rob and kristen always .


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