Kristen to be on The Today Show on November 8

From GossipCop:

Kristen Stewart on “Today Show” - November 8

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7 Responses to Kristen to be on The Today Show on November 8

  1. Is today show gonna be at New York? Then it's difinitely New York Date lolz

  2. Yay!!!this is great!I'm glad they add her to do more into talk show,the more the better.I can't wait to watch her and I love to listen to her doing interview cos she endearing,sincere and all yer answer are deep.

  3. I cannot wait what she's wearing I love her style!

  4. I can't wait to see her.

  5. I hope the host being nice to Kristen. Most of the them ask rediculous questions.

  6. I think after recent Japen promo, they just realize the importance of Kristen being there during promotions. I hope they do enhance the security when Kristen is around. Best wishes for her.

  7. The Today show is always messing up they should have gone with GMA. They cut out in the middle of her interview.


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