New Pictures + Video of Kristen Arriving in LA October 25, 2012

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14 Responses to New Pictures + Video of Kristen Arriving in LA October 25, 2012

  1. it looks like she arrive when it was dark... maybe early morning?

  2. Thanks god they landed safely. It took 3 huge guys to protect Kristen. One can figure out how aggressive are the papz in LA. Hope R/K could have some quite time to rest before the huge promo tour starts.

  3. Kristen looks great even after that journey from Japan lol. Love her bodyguard he is very protective of her. It's good that we all know
    she's safe when he's around. He's looks slimmer too but still HBG lol.

  4. I don't about anybody but those papz are starting getting on my nerves. I am so glad that I don't have to be actors. So I don't have to do with those idiots.

  5. Wow! I think I know where she's going home to =) ...

  6. Just realized that they didn't have those usual eye bags while in Japan/Australia. :)

  7. Welcome back Kristen seems like she did some shopping while in Japan, bet she's earger to see Rob ahh sweet reunion:)

  8. The bracelet she has in her left arm i have the same one but is orange with black.But those bracelets i heard that they keep negative vibes from you it protects you thats what i heard maybe shes wearing because when LA promos start in november 1 i just think is going to be more tense because thats where

    Robsten fans
    Kristen fans
    Roberst fans

    There going to be on those events and there going to be haters and the haters are going to be robert fans.

  9. Notice how arriving in LA Rob and Kristen were wearing their hats forward instead of backwards? =) They're like connected or they prolly so close that one copies the other's action or outfit.

  10. Is it me only that i think that's the white t-shirt Rob wear when papz photo them at their house? Well literally it doesn't need to be the same kekekek! she look great though and so boyish that's my favoroite

  11. Anon 8:13. It very much looks like the same t- shirts rob wore in thoose Pictures with rk kissing last Week. Also looks like the same t-shirt kristen wore in a picture with a fan when she and rob was in a night club erlier this year. Love here style, its so comfortable!

  12. Hopefully she can have a pleasant short break, she was great as always.


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