Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Stills + BTS Stills in HQ


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BTS Stills

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6 Responses to Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Stills + BTS Stills in HQ

  1. I like the choice of McKenzie Foy but good grief, her head and body are twice the size of Kristen's. Kristen is supposedly about 5'6" or 5'7" and even so, she must be really, really petite.

  2. What happened with the rob and kristen pictures from popsugar you deleted them :(

  3. Thank you for taking down R and K personal photos at her home. Glad they are happy but no one should be spied on in their own home.

    1. Agree with u, those pics shouldn't be allowed to be online, they shouldn't be allowed to be even photographed!!! Robsten needs privacy!!! And us as fans the best we can do is support them with their privacy!

  4. I know its a huge invasion of privacy but lord have mercy they are the best photos I have seen in ages. so happy to see the happy. they are magical together


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