Laurie Halse Anderson Mentions Kristen

"The book keeps getting reborn. When the film version of Speak came out with Kristen Stewart, and then when she became Bella in Twilight, that brought a whole other cohort to the book. I'm in that film [Speak] for like 8 seconds. It was really evident that [Stewart] was an incredibly talented young woman—she was 13 at the time."

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3 Responses to Laurie Halse Anderson Mentions Kristen

  1. she is beautiful and also very talented.that's why we all love you kristen and also rob.

  2. Taylor_is_a_sexy_BEASTOctober 21, 2012 at 1:34 PM

    I LOVE this novel. I read it in middle school and again in 8th grade with a young women's group that I was in and it was amazing. We watched the movie all of us could relate in someway. This was one of those novels that really got me to be an advocate for women's rights. This is one of my favorite book to films like top ten on my list.


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