New Rob and Kristen Interviews with CNN Mexico from BD2 LA Press Junket

JA: If you could change roles with the “twihards” what team would you choose: Edward, Bella or Jacob?
K: Probably with Bella. I’m a little biased, so I don’t know if I hadn't had this experience……But now that I’ve walked in her shoes…I’d probably go with Bella.

JA: What’s the scene out of the entire saga that you will never forget?
K: There are a couple that I will never forget shooting: The wedding scene, The scene at the end of “twilight” at the prom, the first kiss in “twilight”, we reshoot that, it was such a big deal”

JA: For you or the people around? The twihards?
K: They didn’t really exist yet in our world, they were fans of the book at the point. So it was definitely us. Catherine the director, me and Rob, the producers, at the beginning it just didn’t come out right. Probably those are the ones that come to mind, all the big moments, the big scenes we were waiting to do.

JA: Do you have a favorite app? Is it true that you live glued to your phone?
K: I don’t think so, I don’t really have any apps on my phone actually, like none whatsoever.

JA: How did you feel when you finish with the last scene, and was it the last scene in the movie the last one to shoot?
K: The first time we “wrapped” the movie, it was the wedding. We had to come back and do additional footage. The first time we wrapped I didn’t believe it, I was almost like we knew that we needed to do more. It didn’t feel like I needed to say goodbye to anyone, it was more like as a group, we were saying goodbye to the experience. Usually you want to live longer in that world but even though we were sad and it was definitely surreal, nobody was like “oh God, I wish we had a little more time”. We’ve been doing this for 5 years, at this point we should congratulate each other and say “We did it”.

He said he's proud of the movie but right now he doesn't know how to feel about the end, maybe in ten years he can decide how to feel about the end when he watch the collection of DVD. He doesn't understand why people likes those movies.

He will miss Edward he's so familiar to him, is weird to say goodbye to him.

About playing a young dad: He doesn't thinks he's very responsable to be a father. Also he said that some of his friends are already having babies, so maybe he's not too young to be a dad. For him men in general doesn't know how to be a dad, that things just happen.

What he has in common with Edward? He thinks he's very patient like him.

What he learn from Edward? Not be so introspective.

About Dior: Rob said that, if there's something then it will be an announcement.

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3 Responses to New Rob and Kristen Interviews with CNN Mexico from BD2 LA Press Junket

  1. I remember during one of the Twilight Saga's Comic Con, when Rob was asked what is his favorite scene in the entire saga, he said "The dance at the end of the first one in the gazebo." because, somehow, everything started there. Seems like he and Kristen have similar favorite scenes. How sweet is that? <3 <3 <3

  2. Rob is such a sweet guy ... I'm sure he will have long great career as an actor.

  3. Oh yes he's a great guy! and yet his heart have been broken, let's just hope he do not get the taste of George Clooney/ Leo way of just playing the field! sometimes i wonder what is going through his mind, i am root for rob to get the movie called child44, the book has three parts, it was offered to christian bale, but he dropped out i just hope the director, like DC offer rob the part, it's a summit/lionheart movie!


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