Possible RK sightings at Chateau Marmont last night

RK sightings at Chateau Marmont having dinner. No pics so take with grain of salt :)

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6 Responses to Possible RK sightings at Chateau Marmont last night

  1. what ever its true i hope they enjoy their time

  2. we dont know it true or not take with grain of salt

  3. Why can't these people particularly Kristen's haters accept the fact that Rob and Kristen are together so no matter what they say and do this couple will continue to be tied to the hips together.... And if you truly are a Rob or Kristen avid supporter you must learn to accept that one is a significant part of the other so you have to stop being a hypocrite.....you'll only hurt yourself.

  4. haha I loled at that post, probably some robsessed fan. hey guess what, KS doesnt care about you too!!

  5. People should have the decentcy to at least to wait til after they have left before tweeting about seeing them.

  6. i read an article about rob whith friends are in chateau marmont whithout kristen on thursday!is it true?it's not a big deal !!


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