New Pictures of Kristen in Hollywood February 26, 2013

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47 Responses to New Pictures of Kristen in Hollywood February 26, 2013

  1. Poor baby! She's trying to avoid the papz while hobbling on one foot. I wish Rob could be around to make her feel better. Thank goodness he should be able to go home in 2 or 3 weeks.

  2. what is she holding and who is that woman with her??plus, her foot may looks fine but if you zoom you can see a scratch at her leg!!!

    1. looks like shes holding a book. She does seem to still be hobbling, poor thing

    2. I think she is holding a box...looks like a cell phone box or something like it.

  3. I love how they do that! Such a sweet gesture of affection.

    I wonder if they've ever been to Jamaica or do fans send them t-shirts.

  4. Hehe!! Love when she wears his clothes!!!! Also those trousers are amazing!! I want some!! :D :D :D :D

    Thanks for posting guys, as always, you're the best!! :D xxxxx

  5. Oh how sweet ..she has robs shirt :)

  6. Today is going to be a good day (: Oh.. Her pants look so comfortable I like it """" she's looking good from behind haha...

  7. Wow ! tell me please they are not tracking her in front of her house??

  8. That cut is so deep. hope she's feeling better and take good care of herself. Love her so much :3 @Indazed

    1. I love her too:)

    2. I also hope she takes care of herself and recovers quickly! I love her so much

  9. Wonder if she got stitches

    1. I wish I had sutured them myself :-)

  10. Look like she is still hobbling-holding on to door to steady herself. Go to the Doctor and get those stiches checked out. Get well soon-Love ya Kristen!!

  11. wohh! can't beleve that I have the same pant with the same color! my husband gave it to me as a gift from his last travel in Germany ! this become now my favorite and i'm gonna wear it tomorrow!!! love you Kristen
    From Paris.

  12. I love this girl. Feel better soon. I really wish the haters take it easy on her:((

  13. Please notice that she is also wearing Tom's shoes. In latest pic of Rob with fans, he is wearing Tom's shoes.

    1. tufenul55 ... You so cute (: they are communicating with each other or teasting each other """ aww... So sweet .. Love these two to death I tellya!!

    2. or maybe all of them have similar shoes

  14. she's still hobling on one foot, get well soon kristen, I love you..oh and thanks RD for sharing those pics

  15. I think no injury can deter Kristen from doing her chores no matter how uncomfortable and in pain she is. I bet Rob worries about his girl's condition a lot especially now that he's so far away from her.

  16. I think they not only share clothes but they share a home and a closet and kids as well. Get well soon Kristen foot injury sucks and mobility is limited.......but be careful it's also prone to infection if your careless with it. It must be elevated as much as possible or at rest so that the wound will close easily.

    1. Maybe it's not Rob's but hers,they sometimes can buy the same shirts if they like it.

    2. Anon 9:22 pm. If it makes you feel better to say or think that, knock yourself out dude.

    3. Wow anon 7:01AM, what the hell? Don't you think if kristen and rob buy some matching clothes or the same shoes or shirts it's a kind of love too?? You need to think before insulting other people you don't know. I'm too happy to be upset about you because I'm Anon 9:PM and I'm Kristen's fan too if you don't mind!!!

    4. You're right. Looks like the injury is quite severe. Kristen, please take good care of yourself. I hope you got totally recovery when Rob get back.

  17. That's a cute trousers it's looks good on her too.

  18. Just wondering, you know how on the side there OTR promo stuff, is there a Cosmopolis promo thread? I was looking for it but can't see it. I wasn't sure if it's because I can't have access at work.

    Those paps are so horrible.

  19. I have one question. What is in that box?

  20. I do hope she is feeling better. I would think a cut like that would be very painful. I love seeing her in Rob's shirt, and I love the pants also. Take care Kristen, Rob will be home soon. I bet Rob hates being so far away when she needs him.

  21. I love those pants! so you can't get them here in the U. S.?

  22. wow is so good to see you honey and please take care watch your step no more injures ok

  23. when i was 16 i wearing clothes of my boyfriend so each time that i saw kristen ; sharing is caring i remember that time now is my husband!

  24. soooooooooooooooooooooo good to see you kristen i admit that i don't like in this way; paps ,but that t shirt makes me forget !

  25. Keep your head up high Kristen. You are so beautiful inside and out. Fudge all the haters. There are those of us that support you and don't judge you. To do your type of career you have to be gifted, which you are. To put up with all the bullshit, you're amazing. Most would crumble up and die. They definately wouldn't be able to handle what you have. You are special and so isn't that boyfriend of yours. As long as you have one another you will totally destroy the haters. They are so envious of your relationship they can't stand themselves. Stay true to yourself and Rob and you'll be fine. What you have is very special.

    1. True! and the both of you are really good actors. The right project will come along one day and you will both be considered for some reason for an Oscar. Lovely, special couple. Kristen is hated on for so many things that she does not deserve. The people who do this hating personally ought to be ashamed of themselves and I hope one day something bad happens to you and see if you like it.

    2. anon@11.59: wow... threatening people and bully at internet? you same like people who bully k. and for me you worse because you wish people bad. it's very cruel grils..what if they have wife, husband, kids? we don't if k read or know about people about her. but i doubt she read it. she ever said that. so it's meant fans bully it's nothing just jealous people. please think before you make statement like that. show we robsten fans have class. there no need to bully, insulting, threatening. just show same class and maturity

  26. Saw a close up pick of her ankle from this day and its all bruised up and swollen ouch

    1. I figure out her injury is worse than I thought. I'm so proud of her at Oscar. She didn't show misery. She's smiley and professional during the entire event. Such a brave girl. Hope she'll get well soon.

  27. Glad to see Kristen up and about.And im glad too that theyre using the paps picture to communicate with each other.Irie means im cool,great in Jamaica,good for them.

  28. she's also wearing the necklace rob gave her during her birthday last year! Awwww :"3 so sweeeet!

  29. I think she's holding Urbanears headphones, though I don't know which model, the all have the same packaging.

  30. I wish I knew what exactly are her pants. Today I saw some similar pants and I hesitated whether to buy them or not :)

  31. The paparazzi are pretty brazen... they almost break into her house.

  32. I hate those papz. Now those pics somehow show the wound from the injury. It's more than a cut, it's as serious as her make-up team said. People please stop judge on her. Give her a break. Consider her situation, I'd totally give her over 100% credit for her performance at Oscar two days ago. She's such a beauty that day. Take care, Kristen


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